This project was supported with funding from the Cambridge Centre for Data-Driven Discovery and Accelerate Programme for Scientific Discovery, made possible by a donation from Schmidt Futures.
ZS acknowledges support from the Department of Mathematics, College of Science, CityU, and HKASR reaching out award.
RHC acknowledges support from HKRGC GRF grants CityU1101120 and CityU11309922 and CRF grant C1013-21GF.
AIAR acknowledges support from CMIH (EP/T017961/1) and CCIMI, University of Cambridge. This work was supported in part by Oracle Cloud credits and related resources provided by Oracle for Research. Also, EPSRC Digital Core Capability.
CBS acknowledges support from the Philip Leverhulme Prize, the Royal Society Wolfson Fellowship, the EPSRC advanced career fellowship EP/V029428/1, EPSRC grants EP/S026045/1 and EP/T003553/1, EP/N014588/1, EP/T017961/1, the Wellcome Innovator Awards 215733/Z/19/Z and 221633/Z/20/Z, the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 777826 NoMADS, the Cantab Capital Institute for the Mathematics of Information and the Alan Turing Institute.